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Celebrity Town – Niall McDiarmid

Posted on Jan 5, 2021 by in Off Site Exhibition, Past Exhibitions

Abergele/Pensarn Prom Shelters
December 2020 - Onwards


In November 2020, moving from their usual Australian jungle setting, ITV filmed the ‘I’m a Celebrity’ TV series at Abergele’s Gwrych Castle.


The move to the castle and grounds in Abergele showcased the North Wales town to a wide mainstream TV and press audience.

To celebrate the town‘s enthusiasm, Oriel Colwyn’s curator Paul Sampson teamed up with photographer Niall McDiarmid to search out and highlight some of the local businesses, people and personalities of ‘Celebrity Town’. We photographed over 120 people, and this first set of portraits are proudly displayed on Pensarn Prom. 

With ‘I’m a Celebrity’ returning for 2021 we took the opportunity to add to the portraits and photographed another 47 people. Many of these people, now displayed on Slaters hoardings, were chosen after last year’s call-out to nominate others.

The series of photographic portraits produced really does only just scratch beneath the surface of the town. It shows that if we look, there is celebrity in us all. 

Martin, The Post Office, Abergele, North Wales - Nov' 2020 - Celebrity Town



Open Air Exhibition

Pensarn Prom Shelters, Abergele


An open-air exhibition of large scale photographic portraits is now installed in the three prom shelters on Pensarn Prom and on the blue hoardings that surround the old Slaters car showroom building.



Pastor Kate, Abergele, North Wales - Nov' 2020 - Celebrity Town


TESCO Checkout Workers, Abergele, North Wales - Nov' 2020 - ©Niall McDiarmid


Michelle, Nant-y-Corn Kennels, Abergele, North Wales - Nov' 2020 - ©Niall McDiarmid


Ym mis Tachwedd 2020, gan symud o'u lleoliad arferol yn jyngl Awstralia, penderfynodd ITV i ddefnyddio Castell Gwrych i ffilmio’r gyfres deledu ‘I’m a Celebrity’.


Roedd symud i’r castell a’r gerddi yn Abergele yn arddangos ein tref yng Ngogledd Cymru i gynulleidfa Teledu eang, yn ogystal â'r cyfryngau.

 I ddathlu brwdfrydedd y dref, mae curadur Oriel Colwyn, Paul Sampson wedi dod ynghyd â’r ffotograffydd enwog Niall McDiarmid i amlygu rhai o fusnesau lleol, pobl a phersonoliaethau’r dref.

 Mae’r gyfres hon o bortreadau ffotograffig wir yn cyffwrdd wyneb ein tref arbennig yn unig. Mae’n dangos, os ydym ni’n edrych, mae rhywun enwog ynom ni i gyd.


Arddangosfa Awyr Agored

Llochesau Prom Pensarn, Abergele


Arddangosfa awyr agored o bortreadau ffotograffig ar raddfa fawr wedi eu gosod yn y tair lloches ar Brom Pensarn.