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The Photo Film Club #002

Posted on Nov 30, 2021 by in Events, Past Exhibitions

Saturday 5th February 2022

Doors Open: 3.30pm  //  Film Starts: 4pm  //  £5

THE PHOTO FILM CLUB hosts a photography based film or documentary roughly every 6 weeks on a Saturday afternoon in the wonderful Theatr Colwyn cinema.

Watch a photography based film, meet some old friends, make some new friends, then maybe go on for an optional drink, snack or meal somewhere in the town for a bit of a social.

We aim to keep the tickets prices for the film screenings as low as we possibly can to open up the screening for more people. If you are in the position to help out a little more, please consider making an extra donation to Oriel Colwyn at checkout.

Our second Photo Film Club event is on SATURDAY 5th FEBRUARY at 4pm (doors 3.30pm) where we will be showing the film McCULLIN.

Tickets are priced at £5 and if you would like to join us somewhere after (place TBC) anything you choose to eat or drink is not covered by the £5 film charge, we are nice, but not THAT nice!

Ohh and one last thing, it is not really a club, we just liked the name… Its not exclusive, you don’t have to join and everyone is welcome!


Photo Film Club #002


- dir Jacqui Morris and David Morris  Cert(15)

SATURDAY 5th FEBRUARY 2022 at 4pm (doors 3.30pm)






To many, Don McCullin is the greatest living war photographer, often cited as an inspiration for today's photojournalists. For the first time, McCullin speaks candidly about his three-decade career and the photographs that often defined historic moments.

Celebrated photographer Don McCullin worked for The Sunday Times from 1966 to 1983, at a time when the newspaper was widely recognised as being at the cutting edge of international investigative photojournalism. During that period he covered wars and humanitarian disasters on virtually every continent: from civil war in Cyprus, the war in Vietnam and the man-made famine in Biafra to the plight of the homeless in swinging sixties London.

Jacqui and David Morris' BAFTA nominated documentary uses rich, detailed archive footage and incredible in-depth interviews to reveal the truth behind McCullin's hard-hitting and controversial images, piecing together his remarkable story in truly breathtaking style. Exploring not only McCullin's life and work, but how the ethos of journalism has changed throughout his career, the film is a commentary on the history of photojournalism told through the lens of one of its most acclaimed photographers.


One not to be missed!


Roedd hi mor braf gweld cymaint ohonoch chi yng Ngŵyl Ffotograffiaeth ‘The Northern Eye’ Oriel Colwyn ym mis Hydref.  Rydym wedi eich colli chi a’r holl ryngweithio ac ymgysylltiad â ffotograffiaeth y gall digwyddiadau fel hyn eu cynnig.

Gyda hyn mewn golwg, mae ein Curadur wedi bod yn edrych ar ffyrdd o redeg digwyddiadau ffotograffiaeth mwy rheolaidd er mwyn annog cyfarfod yn ddiogel am drafodaeth, ymgysylltiad a mwynhad.

Rydym ni felly’n hapus iawn i gyhoeddi menter newydd, CLWB FFILM FFOTO a fydd yn dangos ffilm neu raglen ddogfennol seiliedig ar ffotograffiaeth bob ryw 6 wythnos ar brynhawn dydd Sadwrn yn sinema Theatr Colwyn wych.

Cyfle i wylio ffilm am ffotograffiaeth, cyfarfod hen ffrindiau a gwneud ffrindiau newydd ac yna mynd am ddiod neu bryd bach o fwyd rywle yn y dref i gymdeithasu ychydig.

Byddwn yn ceisio cadw prisiau'r tocynnau mor isel ag y gallwn fel eu bod yn agored i fwy o bobl. Os allwch chi helpu ychydig, a fasech mor garedig ag ystyried gwneud cyfraniad bach ychwanegol i Oriel Colwyn wrth i chi dalu.

Pris y tocynnau i weld y ffilm yw £5; os ydych eisiau ymuno  â ni rywle wedyn (lle i’w benderfynu) am rywbeth i’w yfed neu i’w fwyta bydd hynny'n gost ychwanegol. 

Ac un peth arall, nid clwb go iawn ydi o, hoffi’r enw oedden ni .......... does dim angen ymuno'n ffurfiol ac mae croeso i unrhyw un!